Reliance Dongle on Ubuntu

Today I got a big relief as I was getting problem with Reliance Dongle from long ago.

Problem was, I was unable to check my Data usage. There is no service provide by Reliance vendors for Linux users to check the Data Information. Reliance Customer Care also seems helpless as they used to told me “Sorry madam we are helpless for this, as we have no wizard for Linux OS”.  Frustrating service!

To check the Data Information I have to go some window user and open that wizard to check my Data Information by sending SMS TO 55333 (USSD code)from that wizard.

Solution to my problem is:

vnStat:  vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD that keeps a log of network traffic for the selected interface(s). It uses the network interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This means that vnStat won’t actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures light use of system resources.

I used vnStat. It is a great tool as it gives history of Daily Data usage.
But does not tell about Internet Data left in my account, which can be
checked by using Reliance Wizard(.exe) which opens on M$ Windows.

Modem Manager GUI  This program is a simple graphical interface for
Modem Manager and Wader daemon D-Bus interfaces. It can send, receive
and store SMS messages, send USSD requests and read answers in GSM7
and UCS2 formats, and scan for available mobile networks.
Now I can check my Data Left by send SMS to 55333 with text MBAL using
above Modem Manager GUI.

Also there is one more good tool to check daily Data usage:

A big thanks to Open Source Community 🙂

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